So while searching on amazon the other day I stumbled across a moss terrarium:
it called to me but I decided to make one myself instead of buying one...
This is my lucky cat terrarium.
Glass jar,
Moss and Lichen from a local forest (Be sure you have permission to harvest moss and when taking it be sure to leave some dirt on the bottom of the moss)
Pebbles (find a local playground),
Activated Charcoal (Not what you bbq with),
Potting soil (or not from what I read soil is optional),
Pine Bark Chips (Or not I used it for decoration),
Sphagnum Moss (Not Peat Moss, ask for Orchid Moss)
and a Lucky cat (Or any other Deco Item you like).
To make the terrarium simply
1. Clean your Jar
2. Put about an inch or two of pebbles in the bottom of the Jar.
3. Put half an inch of the charcoal over the pebbles
4. Put a layer of Sphagnum Moss over the carbon
5. Put Dirt over the Sphagnum Moss (Add more pebbles if not using dirt)
6. Add Pine chips or other wood for decoration if you are using it.
7. Mist the top of the dirt and wood to make it moist but not soaking.
8. Add moss and press down firmly without crushing it
9. Add Your Lucky Cat
10. Mist the Terrarium a couple of times a day with a spritz or two of Distilled or Spring water (Not Tap Water)
This is a how to based on my experience, my lucky cat terrarium has been alive and well for two weeks and I even did some stop motion video capture so I could try to see the moss grow. The video is not super clear and most of the movement happens during and after mistings but here's the video if you are interested. The music is Ripples courtesy of used under the creative commons license. Enjoy: